Friday, July 13, 2007

Preface: Yes or No

Ok, so I am finally starting "To Destroy You is No Loss" (and yes I am aware that this was last month's book, but I read August's book first)....and I got through about... ohhh.. 5 pages of the preface and I could not tell you one thing I read. I felt like I was reading a school history book. So here is my dilemna...I hear the actual book is a good read, so do I skip over the preface and just start? I usually am anti skipping through parts of books but I fear I will never get through this forever long history lesson (and I already graduated college, so if I don't want to read a history book I don't have to...don't judge me!). For those of you who are on the ball and have already finished this book, please give me some insight. If the preface is necessary, your argument better be pretty compelling.

1 comment:

agirlnamedgay said...

So I was facing the same dilemna when I asked anneli about it. I was like, "Did it take you forever to get through the preface?" And she was all, "ohhh, yeah I just skipped that." Needless to say, I took that as the go ahead to skip it myself. Maybe the preface would have helped (not that I have finished or anything), but regardless you get a good idea of the injustices and the trials. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you know need a history preface to keep all your facts straight!!!