Saturday, September 8, 2007

more on Twilight series

Do we really need to keep going on and on about this? Probably not, but if we are thinking about it anyway, why not?

I recently discovered, to my great pleasure, that a good friend of mine in Idaho is also obsessed with these books. Here's what she had to say about it:

"Twilight...Oh, don't even get me started. Ok, never mind, do! It's a drug! How did she do it? I want to write a book like that. I mean, I've read books that you can't put down--Harry Potter, for instance--but I would never call them addicting. I loved it, but to be honest (and maybe this is something you talked about in your book group) I found it downright dangerous. It's all I wanted to do--read that book. No, be in that book. Be part of that book. I couldn't put it down. I wouldn't put it down. Everything real suffered around me, but it didn't matter, because I was with Edward Cullen in Stephanie Meyer's cruel little fantasy vampire land. And, yet, I'll definitely go back for more!"

She summed it up so perfectly for me and how I felt about it! I just had to share it in case anyone else felt like we hadn't exactly figured it out yet.

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